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Best Way to Edit OBS video in Windows Movie Maker.

Obviously OBS is recording pretty well for you, but when you try to import OBS .flv files into Windows Movie Maker, many issues exist there like unsupported file format, resolution downgraded, no audio... Is there a way around these problems so that you can edit OBS videos in Windows Movie Maker smoothly? Actually, it's not as difficult as you imagine. What's need is a just a common video converter like PavtubeVideo Converter. It supports creating high quality WMV video for your Windows Movie Maker, no matter what's the format of your source video files. Official Guide: http://www.pavtube.com/edit-obs-video... Pavtube Video Converter: http://www.pavtube.com/video_converter/ Free Trial on Windows: http://download.pavtube.com/video_con... Free Trial on Mac: http://download.pavtube.com/video-con... Still have trouble about this software for editing OBS files in Windows Movie Maker? Please feel free to Email Us: support@pavtube.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pavtub...